Taking pictures has always been one of my most favorite pastime. I’ve taken pictures since I was 10-year-old and always wanted to be some sort of artist.
Most of my pictures have been something I’d like to portray in a painting. It is still that way as my work literally drifts from category to category featuring a wide variety of subject matter.
There is some consistency, I believe, which is the relationship of light to the subject or something humorous, or just plain different. I try to make my pictures interesting, friendly and attractive.
It has been more than 65 years of shooting, and during those years I’ve had several dark rooms for color and black & white picture developing. I’ve printed countless photos. Today it is all digital and easier to develop and print photos, and I am having a field day.

Robert Judelson
ob has been an amateur photographer since age 10. The depth of his talent is conveyed in the diverse images that make up his portfolio. Bob prints images on the Epson 3800 and 9800. His equipment includes Hasselblads, Leica and Canon.
Robert A. Judelson is the Chairman of Michigan Avenue Real Estate Group. Judelson served as First Vice Chairman and one of the founders of one of the country’s largest real estate investment firms, which was a subsidiary of American Express … the firm acted as a fiduciary in various limited partnerships and trusts, with aggregate investments in real estate of approximately $6 billion … such partnerships have over four million individual and institutional investors … he was the founder of JMB Realty in Chicago, which he left in 1973 to become one of the founders of The Balcor Company … he is a graduate of Northwestern University … Director of the White Sox Major League Baseball Team and Chicago Bulls … former member of the advisory board of the Moran Eye Clinic at the University of Utah and of the Board of Trustees of the Utah Symphony, a former trustee of Eaglebrook School in Deerfield, Mass., and St. Andrew’s Preparatory School in Boca Raton, FL.
“When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.”
“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.”
“Black and white are the colors of photography. They symbolize the alternatives of hope and despair to which mankind is subjected.”